FileVault Vision

Data Backup, Record Storage, & Shredding

When FileVault was born in 2001, we asked records managers how they felt about their RIM (records and information management) strategy: 100% either were too anxious to respond (and those were the days BEFORE major legislation like Sarbanes-Oxley, FACTA, and the like), or they were very upset with their vendor. We built our people and systems to address these managers’ concerns: One of our four core values is ‘Keep it simple,’ and we make sure that we do everything we can to simplify the process of securing and maintaining corporate records:

  • The best team in the business communicates with our clients clearly and frequently.
  • Best-in-class systems control our operations, eliminating discretion and allowing us to guarantee results.
  • Our team and our systems outperform every day – just ask any of our clients.

About FileVault

Over the years and through dozens of discussions about off-site records storage, our management team consistently heard a common set of frustrations from the administrators, records managers and controllers we met with. We came to one important conclusion. These problems were not only valid, they were completely avoidable.


FileVault Vision
FileVault Team
Affiliates & Associates


FileVault Difference

We are very different from other alternatives you might consider to address your firm's records management concerns.


Records Storage
Data Protection
Data Shredding
Paperless Conversion
Electronic Records
FileVault Advantage
VaultPlus Guarantee
VaultPlus RIMgrader

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    500 Gulf Drive
    Charlotte, NC 28208